The re-enrollment process for the 2025-2026 academic year is now underway. Please carefully review all information and contract details to secure your child’s space, take advantage of Early Bird Summer pricing, and avoid late enrollment fees. We look forward to welcoming your family back for another wonderful year!
Important Dates
February 4
Re-enrollment Opens
All eligible families will receive a re-enrollment form via email. Pre-elementary families can also use this form to enroll in summer programs, while elementary families will receive a separate Summer Camp application.
February 18
Re-enrollment and Pre-elementary Early Bird Summer Closes
All re-enrollment forms must be submitted by the end of the day to secure a space and avoid additional deposits and fees. Pre-elementary summer applications received after this date will incur a $75 admissions fee.
February 19
Open Enrollment
Open enrollment for waitlisted families and late re-enrollments begins. Late re-enrollments will be considered based on availability and will incur an additional $600 deposit along with a $210 late admissions fee.
March 1
Elementary Summer Applications Due
Summer 2025 elementary camp enrollments for all students are due. Applications received after this date will incur a $75 late admissions fee.
March 6
Opportunity and ESA+ Scholarship Application Deadline
Please visit our Tuition Assistance page for more information.
March 15
TNS Tuition Assistance Deadline
We strongly encourage that the first round of tuition assistance applications through FAST be submitted on time; late applications may not be eligible for assistance depending on the available budget.
Re-enrollment Information
Families will receive an emailed SignNow link with each child’s re-enrollment contract. Only one parent’s signature is required, and the contract will be sent to the first parent/guardian listed in Child Pilot unless the family specifies a different recipient.
Please carefully read the Re-enrollment Overview and contract, paying close attention to deadlines and all terms and conditions.
This year our licensing agency requires a separate Annual Medical Update and Emergency Contact form for each child rather than one per family. This document will be included in the same email as your re-enrollment contract.
We’re happy to announce that this year, deposits and other fees can be processed and paid directly through Child Pilot, eliminating the need for a separate invoicing process! Deposits are due within five business days of receiving the re-enrollment deposit invoice.
Your child’s enrollment will be confirmed only after the deposit is paid and the signed PDF copies of the re-enrollment and emergency contact forms are received and signed by administration.
Applications for Pre-Elementary (Nido, EY, and CH) Summer 2025 camp are included in the re-enrollment contract to help spread out payments and avoid overlapping with regular tuition. Elementary summer camp applications are separate, as the camps are offered weekly. Due to space constraints, summer applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information and answers to frequently asked questions, please see the details below.
What are the program schedules for the upcoming academic year?
Early Care Program (limited to CH, Elem, & MAP students)
- 7:30am to 8:20am (not available during the summer program)
Pre-Elementary Programs (Nido, EY, and CH)
- Half-day schedule times: 8:20am to 12:00pm
- Full-day schedule times: 8:20am to 4:00pm
Elementary and MAP Programs
- 8:20am to 3:30pm
After-school Programs (limited to CH, Elem, & MAP students)
- After-school Program: end of full-day program time to 5:00pm
- Extended Care Program: 5:00pm to 5:30pm (not available during the summer program)
Can I re-enroll after the Feb 18 deadline?
Re-enrollment Deadlines
Yes, you can still re-enroll after the deadline. However, starting February 19th, we will begin offering available spaces to families on our waiting list. If we can guarantee a space after the deadline, a $230 administrative fee and an additional $600 deposit will apply.
What deposits and fees are needed to re-enroll and do they count toward tuition?
Deposits are determined by the selected payment plan and are applied toward the total tuition. The following deposits will increase by $600 if re-enrollment form is received after February 18. This year, re-enrollment deposits will be processed via Child Pilot.
Academic Year Deposits (No Summer)
Plan A: Pay in Full Plan (one payment) - $1,000
Plan B: Semester Plan (two payments) - $1,200
Plan C: Twelve-month Plan (12 payments) - $900
Academic Year Plus Summer Program Deposits (Pre-elementary Students Only)
Plan A: Pay in Full Plan (one payment) - $1,300
Plan B: Semester Plan (two payments) - $1,500
Plan C: Twelve-month Plan (12 payments) - $1,200
What payment plan options are available?
We offer three convenient payment plans. All payment plans are subject to a $40 annual administrative fee per family to cover Child Pilot billing costs.
Families who choose Plan C (the 12-month plan) can avoid the 3% finance fee already included in the published 12-month tuition rates by enrolling in an automated payment plan through ACH or credit card. Please note, enrolling in the automated payment plan will incur a one-time fee of $60 instead.
Both ACH and credit card payments have processing fees; however, the school covers the fees for ACH payments, while parents are responsible for the fees associated with credit card payments.
Plan A: Pay in Full
- Not subject to a financing fee.
- Balance due on June 1, 2025.
Plan B: Semester Plan
- Subject to a $25 annual finance fee per enrollment.
- The first payment is due on June 1, 2025, and the second payment is due on December 1, 2025
Plan C: Twelve-Month Plan
- Parent can choose between automated or manual payments:
- Automated payment option
- Parent can avoid the 3% finance fee included in the published 12-month tuition rates by enrolling in an automated payment plan via ACH or credit card.
- Automated payment plan enrollees will instead incur an annual finance fee of $60.
- Manual payment option:
- Families choosing a manual payment method will be required to pay the built-in 3% finance fee.
- The first payment for both automated and manual payment plans is due on June 1, 2025, and the final payment is due on May 1, 2026.
- The first payment is due on June 1, 2025, and the last payment due on May 1, 2026
- Automated payment option
What is the withdrawal policy?
Withdrawals should be submitted to administration by email via stating child's name, requested last date of attendance, and the reason for withdrawal.
The parent will be responsible for all applicable tuition, financing, billing, and administrative fees, as well as any incurred incidental charges, outstanding balances, or shortfalls in volunteer hours, regardless of the timing of the withdrawal. In addition to these fees, the parent is responsible for the following charges based on the withdrawal date:
Prior to April 1, 2025:
- Non-refundable deposit and one full month of tuition
From April 2, 2025, to May 1, 2025:
- Non-refundable deposit and three full months of tuition
From May 2, 2025, to January 2, 2026:
- Non-refundable deposit and 70% of the total annual tuition
After January 2, 2026:
- 100% of the total annual tuition (including deposit)
Summer Program Withdrawal Procedures
Withdrawal requests for the summer program must be submitted in writing, including the last date of attendance and the reason for withdrawal. The following charges apply in the event of withdrawal from the Summer 2025 program:
- If the parent withdraws before March 1, 2025, they will be responsible for a $300 deposit and 50% of the summer tuition.
- Withdrawals after March 1, 2025: The parent is responsible for 100% of the summer tuition.
How do I apply for the Summer Program?
Returning Pre-Elementary (Nido, EY, and CH) Students
Families with children in the pre-elementary program who are returning in the fall should use the re-enrollment contract, due by February 18, to secure a spot in our summer program.
Alternatively, families may apply separately during the open enrollment period beginning on February 19, using the Summer Application form. However, space is not guaranteed for late applications, and the tuition rate will be higher than during the re-enrollment period.
Note: For students who will be rising 1st graders in the fall, please contact the school to determine whether they should be enrolled in CH or in our elementary camps for the summer.
Pre-Elementary (CH) Students Not Enrolled in the Fall
Pre-elementary children transitioning to another school in the fall are still eligible to apply for our summer program. The application period opens during general enrollment on February 19. Please note that space is limited, and priority is given to returning students, so availability cannot be guaranteed.
Elementary Camp Applications
Elementary summer applications are offered on a week-to-week basis and are not included in the re-enrollment form. Instead, parents of returning students will receive a separate elementary summer camp application form during the re-enrollment period.
After February 18, elementary camps will be open to current students not returning in the fall, alumni, and referral students, in that order. Due to limited availability, we may not be able to accept all applications during open enrollment. Families unable to secure a spot will have the option to be placed on a waitlist in case of a withdrawal.
All summer applications received after March 1st will be considered late and are subject to a $75 late enrollment fee.