Support the School

As a non-profit independent school, The New School relies on a combination of tuition revenue, grants, and charitable donations to fulfill our mission and enhance the educational experience of our students.

Through financial donations from families like you, we are able to maintain our level or educational excellence while ensuring our programs remain as affordable as possible. By donating to the school, you are helping to provide many enrichment activities and learning experiences that tuition revenue alone cannot cover. Your support also makes it possible for families who are in need to attend the school.

New School Campaigns

General donations are used to support our Annual Fund. However, donors are also welcome to donate specifically to other funds or directly to their child's classroom.

Annual Fund

Campus Improvement

Classroom Support

Enriching our students’ experiences, one contribution at a time!

We appreciate any and all contributions you are able to make, no matter the amount! Donors may choose to allocate their gift specifically to any of the following by listing the designation in the comment section of our donation form:

  • Annual Fund
  • Campus Improvement & Expansion
  • Classroom Support

All donations will automatically default to our Annual Fund and will be applied to the area of greatest need unless otherwise designated by the donor. Thank you for your generous support!

The New School is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization (EIN 56-1429736). Your donations may be tax-deductible!

Stay tuned for our upcoming donation form!

Effortless Giving

Now, you can support our school with just a few clicks while doing your regular shopping. By shopping via the links below, you can easily earn money for our school at no extra cost to you. Simply shop at your favorite retailers and a percentage of your purchase will be automatically donated to our school. It‘s an easy and hassle-free way to make a difference in our community and support our educational programs!

Please click on the logos below to participate. Happy shopping!

Ways of Contributing

Click on the tabs below to learn more about how you can make a valuable contribution to our school!

Direct Donations
There are many ways to make your charitable donation!

  • Cash, Personal Checks
    If paying with a check, please make it out to The New School and notate that your check is a donation in the memo line. If paying by cash, please enclose your donation in an envelope along with a donation form, which can be obtained from the office.
  • Credit Cards & Zelle
    You can process credit card or PayPal payments via any of our donation links on this page. You can also use Zelle by using the school’s address.
  • Direct ACH Draft
    The school’s billing system, Blackbaud, currently provides families with the option for ACH direct deposits without an additional fee. Please email to notify us about the donation.
  • Pledges
    Please consider pledging future donations by emailing with the amount you would like to pledge along with your preferred allocation for this pledge. Donations received before June 30 will be included in our annual report and posted on our website.
  • Securities
    We also gratefully welcome stocks and bonds as donations as these contribute towards the long-term security for the school. Please contact billing@montessori for more information.
Corporate Matching Programs

Companies such as Microsoft, Red Hat, GlaxoSmithKline, Epic Games, Merck, and many others offer matching gift programs that will match monetary contributions made by their employees to non-profit organizations. This is an easy way to double (and sometimes triple)  your contributions to our school!

Please Click here for a brief list of organizations that may offer donation matches or check directly with your employers to find out more about any potential donation programs.

Effortless Giving

You can support our school with just a few clicks while doing your regular shopping! By shopping using our affiliate links and codes at select stores, you can easily earn valuable funds for our school at no extra cost to you.

Our current affiliate partners include Amazon, RaiseRight (formerly Scripp Cards), and Harris Teeter.

Please also visit our Montessori Adolescent Program’s (MAP) Marketplace for baked good, crafts and more. You can also purchase school-branded clothing and more with at School Spirit Store hosted by 1st Place Spiritwear!

Simply shop at your favorite retailers, and a percentage of your purchase will be automatically donated to our school. Please make sure that you click on the appropriate links in the section below for the school to gain credit for your purchases.

Check below on this page for additional passive fundraisers!

Gifts-in-Kind & Wishlists

Coming soon…

Legacy Giving

Information coming soon…

In-Kind Donations

Are you looking for a way to give back to your school community and earn volunteer credit at the same time? Please consider providing in-kind donations to classrooms and general initiatives!

Coming soon, the links below will provide you with a wishlist of items and needs for each classroom. All lists will be updated by the end of January. Thank you for your support!



CH 1

CH 2

CH 3

CH 4

LE 1

LE 2



Please send a copy of your receipts to to request in-kind donation credit for tax purposes or for volunteer credit.

How Your Donations Make a BIG Difference

Your generous undesignated donations will be used in the area of greatest need via our Annual Fund. Click on the buttons below to learn more about our current needs and initiatives.






As a valuable donor, we invite you to choose a specific designation or project that aligns with your interests in the comment section of our donation form. Current needs include: Campus Improvement Plan, teacher training programs, program enhancements, or area of greatest need.

Make your Mark!

Not only will you be helping to improve educational opportunities for students, but you will also receive a receipt for tax purposes and be recognized as a member of the donator circle. Your contribution will make a positive impact and be greatly appreciated by those in need. Join the donator circle and make a difference today!

The New School is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization (EIN 56-1429736). All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any individual limitations on deductibility. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for charitable donations.