School News
Join us for stories of rockets, space, and things that go boom!
This event in brief You are invited to join us in a family-friendly setting for a Q & A session with a prominent local scientist while enjoying coffee and snacks. This informal event allows children and adults to quiz (or even grill!) a scientist on interesting topics [...]
The New School’s First Amateur Radio Club
Upper Elementary Students Launch First-Ever Amateur Radio Club Last week Upper Elementary students began an exciting journey of exploration into amateur radio. The curriculum, which dynamically integrates language arts, algebra, physics, geography, meteorology, graphic arts, industrial fabrication, computer science, and social studies into the UE course of [...]
Announcing our 2015 Fifth Annual Fall Festival!
We are already hard at work planning our next Annual Fall Festival! Our past festivals have proven to be an enormous success, and we look forward to continuing this tradition by presenting our Save the Rainforest festival in the fall. Check out the Festival webpages The festival [...]
Little Free Library
We are happy to announce that the school has joined the Little Free Library movement that is sweeping the nation. Our Montessori Adolescent Program (MAP) has spearheaded this project and is planning an opening ceremony during our Spring Picnic on Saturday, April 25th. The idea behind these [...]
Science Week is an official event of the 2015 NC Science Festival
The New School's Science Week is participating in the North Carolina Science Festival! We celebrate the things we love and admire. And we're familiar with music and art festivals, of course. But until recently there was no equivalent acknowledgement of the importance and role of [...]
Montessori Kindergarten Program
Ultimately, what sets The New School apart is our mission to provide each child with an individualized, holistic program that meets their specific needs. Each child learns differently, has different interests, and develops cognitive and social skills at his or her own pace. By addressing individual needs, [...]