School News
Summer Camp Adventures
Summer Camp 2021 Adventures Halfway through our summer camps, and so far we've done everything from creating edible art to an ocean in a bottle. We've learned the science of making bubbles and egg geodes, slime (of course!), challenged chess camp, and immersed ourselves [...]
October Highlights
Enjoy our video montage from October! Many thanks to our volunteers who contributed their time and resources to our modified Trunk or Treat event.
Welcome Back to School!
For those who have not yet followed us on Facebook, you've missed the emergence of our new feature for parents to stay connected: Monthly Montages! Actually, during the summer, our montages were weekly to keep everyone connected with our daily adventures as we returned to [...]
October Montage
As families are not able to freely enter the school at this time, we want to go above and beyond to stay connected and share the daily joys, accomplishments, and general happenings! New this year, we will be posting video clips such as this one [...]
Space Voyage at the Go Galactic! Fall Festival
A virtual voyage to the moon and beyond: Space exploration is surely among humankind's greatest accomplishments. Perhaps the pinnacle of such exploration was when the United States landed men on the moon in 1969. Since time immemorial, humans have dreamed of visiting the moon. When Neil Armstrong [...]
Announcing the Seventh Annual Fall Festival!
Our annual festival has become a fixture in the Holly Springs autumn calendar. We look forward to continuing this tradition by presenting our Go Galactic festival in the fall. This year is our seventh festival and we excited to invite parents, families and the public to enjoy [...]