News and updates

And We’re Off!

We kicked off summer @ TNS with camp weeks themed from art and games to instruments, wildlife, summer, and science! This week we're celebrating July 4th in Children' House with flag-making, independence art, and freedom stories along with water play! And chess lessons with our multi-award-winning international chess champion for our elementary campers is always a [...]

2022-07-06T12:36:17-04:00By |

Announcing the Seventh Annual Fall Festival!

Our annual festival has become a fixture in the Holly Springs autumn calendar. We look forward to continuing this tradition by presenting our Go Galactic festival in the fall. This year is our seventh festival and we excited to invite parents, families and the public to enjoy another year of family-friendly events, rides, food and [...]

2021-07-24T12:51:03-04:00By |
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