Campus Improvement Plan

The inception of our Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) is rooted in fostering the growth and development of our school community. Our overarching objective is not only to enhance our learning environments but also to offer additional facilities and resources for students, faculty, and families alike. To achieve this, our development team has pinpointed two significant initiatives: campus improvements and expansion.


  • The main sewer line is now in place! Pending inspections and a few smaller tasks (including building a retaining wall and completing the final connection to the main line), the anticipated completion date is late January 2024. Thankfully, we do not anticipate needing to close during this transition.

  • The school has initiated the permitting process to connect to the town’s water supply. The timeline and details for this project should be available shortly.

  • We are currently finalizing traffic and environmental impact scoping studies in preparation for our rezoning application. The current estimated timeline for this application is March 2024.

  • Once we are cleared by our contractors, we will resume work on mapping out and securing the various trails on our property.

New updates coming soon!

Current Projects

Discover the latest in renovations and Campus Improvement projects. Get involved today and become an active and lasting part of our transformation! (List of projects coming soon.)

Campus Improvements

Our campus improvement projects include: connecting to the town’s sewer and water, renovating parts of the building, enhancing outdoor learning areas, improving our playgrounds, upgrading play structures, expanding our wooded trails, creating retreat areas for students and teachers, and expanding parking access.

Our CIP also includes beautifying our natural areas by planting native trees and plants. As part of our environmental program, our students will be helping create a labeling system for the plants found around the campus. In addition to each classroom’s outdoor learning spaces, we are also increasing the number of spaces for children to grow plants, fruits, and vegetables.

Following the completion of the sewer engineering project, a lengthy and extensively cleared path has emerged in the wooded areas behind the school building. Ongoing plans include the installation of benches and platforms along this greenway. Additionally, the greenway offers access to additional trails.

Expansion Plans

Our ambitious Campus Plan will enrich the experience for students, families, and staff, but we need your support! Please consider donating to the CIP Fund or signing up to volunteer for school projects.


The second initiative of the Campus Improvement Plan aims to provide additional educational spaces.

With the increasing student enrollment, our school has been facing a challenge to provide sufficient learning spaces for our students. As a part of this initiative, we propose to construct new buildings. This will also create space for new programs and activities, giving students a wider choice of subjects to pursue.

Additionally, we plan to build a community space to serve as a space for physical education, drama, small group classes, and to host events.

Expansion Details

Learn more about the current phases of our expansion project!






Site Projects

“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” ~ Maria Montessori