
About Julie

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So far Julie has created 52 blog entries.

Campus Improvement Volunteer Day

Volunteer Day Join us for our Campus Improvement Volunteer Day on Saturday, October 14th! Whether it's sanding tables, mulching gardens, or helping clear trails, your help is very much needed and appreciated! If our October date does not work for you, e will also soon share a list of activities and volunteer opportunities that [...]

2024-03-28T12:33:51-04:00By |

School Dance

Children from our Early Years and Children's House program enjoyed an exciting afternoon at a special dance event designed just for them! The dance was organized by our Student Council Committee (SCC) who went all out to make sure that the event was equipped with glow sticks, spectacular lighting, jazzy hula hoops, and energizing music. They [...]

2023-04-22T20:13:49-04:00By |

And We’re Off!

We kicked off summer @ TNS with camp weeks themed from art and games to instruments, wildlife, summer, and science! This week we're celebrating July 4th in Children' House with flag-making, independence art, and freedom stories along with water play! And chess lessons with our multi-award-winning international chess champion for our elementary campers is always a [...]

2022-07-06T12:36:17-04:00By |
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