Summer 2025
Our Summer Program offers a blend of Montessori learning and exciting activities, featuring enriching field trips and engaging projects for our younger students. Elementary students participate in weekly theme-based camps, covering diverse topics such as chess, art, coding, nature exploration, and more!
Quick Facts
Length of Summer Program: 8 1/2 Weeks
Dates: June 11th to August 8th
Program Start Times: All programs begin at 8:20am
After-school Ending Time: 4:30pm
Pre-Elementary Early Bird Deadline: February 28th
Elementary Early Bird Deadline: March 1st
Open Enrollment: After March 1st
School Closed: June 19th and July 4th
Early Release Day: July 25th
Click below to access the Summer 2025 Overview.
Nido, EY, and CH Summer Camp
Half-day schedule times: 8:20 AM to 12:00 PM
Full-day schedule times: 8:20 AM to 4:00 PM
CH After-school Times: 4:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Pre-elementary families pay a single tuition fee for access to the entire summer program. Parents can choose between half-day or full-day schedules for their child.
Elementary & MAP Summer Camps
Half-day schedule times: 8:20 AM to 12:00 PM
Regular Schedule: 8:20 AM to 3:30 PM
After-school Program: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Parents may select one or more elementary camps for either a half-day or full-day schedule. Please note, camp selections may not be altered after March 1st.
Elementary Camp Themes
Click on the images below for more information on each camp!
Cooking Camp
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Wednesday: Water Day
Thursday: Board Games
Friday: Movies
*Please note that we will not have camp on Monday & Tuesday of this week due to teacher work days

Cooking Camp
June 11th-13th
Minecraft Camp
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Monday: Board Games
Tuesday: Arts & Crafts
Wednesday: Water Day
Friday: Movie Day
*Please note that school will be closed on Thursday June 19th

Minecraft Camp
June 16th- 20th
Abra Kadabra Magic Camp
For more info please visit: Happy Dan Magic Man
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Monday: Board Games
Tuesday: Arts & Crafts
Wednesday: Water Day
Thursday: Baking
Friday: Movie Day

Magic Camp
June 23rd – 27th
Dragon Night Chess Camp
Come join Coach Jonathan & Coach Paul and learn all there is to know about CHESS! Dragon Knight Chess is a premier organization committed to making chess accessible and enjoyable for students of all ages and skill levels, while promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Founded by International Chess Master Jonathan, Dragon Knight Chess brings decades of competitive experience and expert-level instruction to individuals and schools throughout the Triangle area.
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Monday: Board Games
Tuesday: Arts & Crafts
Wednesday: Water Day
Thursday: Baking
* Please note that we will be closed on Friday July 4th of this week

Dragon Knight Chess Camp
June 30th- July 3th
Snapology Animation Camp
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Monday: Board Games
Tuesday: Arts & Crafts
Wednesday: Water Day
Thursday: Baking
Friday: Movie Day

Animation Camp
July 7th – 11th
Snapology Mega Machines Robotics Camp
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Dungeons & Dragons with Mr. Will

Robotics Camp
July 14th – 18th
Dragonfly: Feathered Friends Camp
Learn more about Dragonfly Nature Programs @
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Monday: Board Games
Tuesday: Arts & Crafts
Wednesday: Water Day
Thursday: Baking
*Please note that Friday July 25th is a half day

Dragonfly Nature Camp
July 21st – 25th
Wizara Coding Camp
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Pokemon with Mr. Will

Whizara Coding Camp
July 28th – Aug 1st
Mad Science: Eureka! A camp for Inventors
Throughout this week, children will overcome a series of challenges using basic materials, simple machines, tips from famous inventors and the most important of all – their mind. With a little bit of ingenuity children will create aircrafts, construct working light sticks to take home and assemble a set of circuits with batteries and light bulbs. While Thomas Edison said “invention is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration”, this camp is 100% FUN!
Afternoons will have something extra to look forward to!
Monday: Board games
Tuesday: Arts & Crafts
Wednesday: Water Day
Thursday: Baking
Friday: Movie Day

Mad Science: Eureka!
August 4th – August 8th
Frequently Asked Questions
Coming Soon!
Do you have additional questions about our summer program? Please contact us at for more information!